To avoid inconvenience, when you receive your product, open it in front of the person making the delivery, check everything, and make sure it is in order and only then sign the delivery note.
Your product leaves our factory without any defect, but in many times during transport, when mishandled, incidents can happen. That’s why our recommendation is to check your board in front of the delivery person and then sign the note.
Any manufacturing defect must be reported immediately, describing the condition of the product, the defect presented, and the date of issue of the tax document. After prior analysis, we will guide our customer on how to proceed. About defects resulting from misuse, Tropical Brasil will hold no liability, and it can only advise our customers about possible repairs. Our products have a warranty period of 90 (ninety) days from the date of issue of the purchase invoice, according to the Consumer Protection Code. If the customer does not contact us within the established deadlines, he or she will be subject to loss of warranty.